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Posts tagged with impact of journalism

Micheal Finkel, once famed editor for the New York Times Magazine, was given the pink slip after “lying in print” in an article entitled “Is Youssouf Malé a Slave?”. Michael Finkel was known for bizarre stories, specifically stories from places considered to be outside the realm of traditional journalism. In reality, the truth had fallen outside of […]

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As the world quickly approached the twenty-first century, the press became more involved in world affairs than ever. News of Saddam Hussein’s escapades in Iraq quickly spread throughout news outlets and made its way to the forefront of international news. The victims of Saddam’s attacks were not silent. Stories of inhumane torture and the killing of citizens […]

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Rolling Stone’s destructive path

Posted by: | February 9, 2016 | No Comment |

On November 19, 2014, Sabrina Erdely of Rolling Stone published an article that destroyed the reputation of a fraternal chapter and tore apart the UVA community. The article entitled “A Rape on Campus”, told the story of a girl named Jackie Coakley who was apparently raped by multiple individuals in a heinous hazing stunt. The […]

under: Comm 455, newspapers
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