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Travel profile: Samantha Brown

Posted by: | November 7, 2011 | No Comment |

Samantha Brown is just your modern day travel renaissance woman. She does it all.

via travelchannel.com

Samantha Brown hosts quite a few shows on the  Travel Channel: Great Hotels, Passport to Europe, Passport to Latin America,Girl Meets Hawaii, Great Vacation Homes, Great Cruises, Great Weekends, Passport to China and the latest, Samantha Brown’s Asia as well some others including specials.

As an avid viewer and fan of Brown, I’ve watched many episodes of all her shows. What makes her so watchable and the shows so enjoyable is the fact that Samantha Brown is the viewer. While she is indeed a seasoned traveler at this point, Brown had no professional experience when starting and saw and looked for the same things a tourist would–pointing out ways to save money, places to go that a tourist wouldn’t know about, easy and inexpensive ways to travel and great dining tips.

Here is a video from her Great Weekends series


And another from her series Passport to Europe in Florence, Italy

The Travel Channel website has a great interactive site that allows visitors to view clips as well as other different features for their favorite shows. For Brown, you can look at some videos, episodes and travel guides, photos or even her own blog

Brown has been with the Travel Channel for nearly 12 years hosting the shows listed above. She is known for her bubbly and approachable personality which makes her so popular to viewers. She travels 230 days out of the year shooting for the Travel Channel for all of her various shows. Travel reporting isn’t just writing down your experiences in a beat up, leather bound notebook with old stamps and sepia toned photos lodged in between the pages. Travel reporting can cover anything about anyone’s travel, even around their own state. The beauty is that when someone travels, everything is to be discovered for the first time. Brown is just one example with a vessel to show all of her travels for viewers that can’t or want to travel to somewhere they have never been. And for 30 minutes we can join Brown as she explores the city of Florence and pretend we’re right there with her.

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