Technology and Journalism. The two words go together like peanut butter and jelly. Journalism as a whole has been influenced by technology greatly over the past hundreds of years. The biggest enhancement has been the velocity at which news is delivered and distributed. As technology has gotten better and better, the speed of news has […]
Archive for November 22, 2011
Impact of technology on journalism part II: the Internet
Posted by: jsharma1 | November 22, 2011 | No Comment |Super blog: The legacies of Henry Luce and Harold Ross
Posted by: sarahe | November 22, 2011 | No Comment |
Harold Ross and Henry Luce may not ring a bell but The New Yorker and Time magazine probably do. Ross and Luce were publishing rivals that shared one common goal: success.
Tags: 1920s, Harold Ross, Henry Luce, rivalry, Sarah El-Hage, Superblog, The New Yorker, Time magazine
SUPERBLOG The Impact of Technology on Journalism: From Telegraph to Television
Posted by: markherbert | November 22, 2011 | No Comment |The world had long operated under the logical assumption that if you wanted your news to spread, you or someone else had to get themselves out there and spread it yourselves. There was no magic string connecting one town with another by which news, ideas, and trade could be spread. That was ludicrous…
Tags: History of Journalism, Jay Sharma, Mark Herbert, Rapidity, Steve Klein, Superblog, technology
With the recent progression of the Occupy movement, the concept of citizen journalism has become increasingly more interesting to me. This interest, in part, is derived from the recent media attention focusing on police brutality (primarily pepper-spraying) at the Occupy protests. The most recently highlighted attack occurred at the University of California, Davis. Video of […]
That’s the question many people have been asking themselves and others lately, both in general conversation and in the media. We have the Internet. It’s almost literally everywhere. You can access it on a tiny screen that acts as a music player, video game, flashlight, day planner, and status symbol all at the same time. […]