Siege of Malta wreaks havoc, spreads news.
There are some events in history that are simply too big.
Their scope, value and relevance are astronomical to the tenth power, and often go unnoticed for subsequent years. As with everything, there are exceptions to this rule: Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and the capture/execution of Osama bin Laden. Everyone remembers where they were or what they were doing as these events unfolded. As daunting as these events are, they are modern, even current in comparison to producing news mobilization.
One historical event that wasted no time in making its mark was the Battle of Malta. This four month war took place is 1565 and was the result of a brewing conflict between Christians and Muslims, in regard to control of the Mediterranean. The casualties boast a staggering 10,000 people [2,500 troops, 7,000 civilians and 500 slaves] and garnered attention for its overall brutality.
But the most important part of this entire war is the way in which it was covered. The battle of Malta was covered by all of the major European newspapers. It was basically the condensed Iraq War of its time, minus the 24 hour news cycle. A century later, the great Voltaire remarked that “nothing is better known than the siege of Malta.” Such recognition is a testament to the power and influence of news.

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