In my humble opinion (which means my opinion is probably anything but) the internet has officially become a dumping ground for naked photos. We officially live in a world where we want to know what naked celebrities look like, and since they take those sort of pictures it is now possible.
Is there a reason that celebrities feel that we need to see literally every side to they have? Where can the line possibly be drawn? Is there even a line to draw?

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With the Apple iCloud leak that occured in early September 2014 had widespread publicity. Everyone was searching to see what celebrities had nude photos uploaded. Of course the celebrities whose photos were leaked as well as other celebrities stood up and said that it was unjust that this leak happened and that the public should respect their privacy as these photos were not meant for the public eye.
Jennifer Lawrence, notable for The Hunger Games films, was one of the celebrities with nude photos leaked. She stood up for herself and said that these were private photos meant for her boyfriend and that they were personal. People were outraged saying that celebrities should not take pictures of themselves that they do not want leaked to the world, because it happens – and it did.
We are always taught in school not to say things that we wouldn’t want others to hear. It really goes both ways with pictures – don’t take pictures you wouldn’t wanted posted! But this simple thought will not stop the cycle, because everyday non-celebrities are taking nude photos and sending them to their significant others as well.
Of course on the other hand, we have Kim Kardashian, a celebrity who would love nothing more than to share her private parts with the world. Celebrities are just like everyday people — except when their nudes get leaked, it gets national publicity. The internet caters to all ages nowadays, and we have to be careful what we post, normal people and celebrities alike.
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