Powerhouse syndicate survives print bust and technology boom.
The New York Times. Need I say more?
Quite frankly, no. The New York Times is the be all and end all of journalism (print or otherwise) and its influence is astronomical. It is the holy grail for aspiring writers and journalists (i.e. me) and has an unparalleled cultural reach. In short, it is “journalism mecca”.
Opinions and bias aside, the New York Times is a syndication giant. It has won 114 Pulitzer prizes and continues to hold solid (albeit, dwindling) ground in this print depleted/technology driven world.
But why? What makes it so special?
The answer is prestige. Prestige makes it marketable and viable. Prestige has been its lifeline. Prestige and professionalism were/are the driving force behind this print giant. The New York Times maintains credibility and status because of its almost flawless track record. It garners respect and ultimately legitimizes newspaper journalism and syndication.
Photo Credit: www.wikipedia.org
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