Is President Obama‘s Executive Order on gun control infringing on American’s second amendment right? The Second Amendment of the United State’s Constitution states,
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Recently, President Obama put out an executive order to reduce gun violence and make communities safer. The order requires for there to be a background check conducted if you buy a gun at a gun show, store, or from the Internet along with the procedures to gain a gun license. The idea is very sound as guns have been put into the hands of unstable people, but the question remains how can President Obama and his team go about this without infringing on American’s second amendment.
In 2015, The Washington Post published an article which showed that gun sales increased once President Obama was elected into office. Within the article, The Washington Post added a graph published by the National Shooting Sports foundation highlighting those increases. The graph showed that after President Obama’s first election, there was a spike in sales of firearms and ammunition but there was an even larger spike after his second election.

Estimated Sales of Firearms and Ammunition Credit:
After President Obama announced his executive order on gun control, CNN took a poll to see if the people approved or opposed this order. The results were as followed: 67% favored, 32% opposed, and 2% no opinion. Democratic Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supported President Obama’s executive order as they saw it as a way to protect the American communities. However, Republican candidates Marco Rubio, Jed Bush, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson disapproved of the President’s executive order questioning if it violates American’s second amendment rights. The topic of gun control could be the deciding factor in the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election, so follow the stories closely.
Below are remarks made by President Obama about the gun violence he has witnessed during his presidency and his executive order to reduce gun violence and make communities safer.
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