Modern technology wages war on patience and print.
Once upon a time in a pre-Apple world, patience and print were the norm. News was broadcast at certain times of day and not a moment before, human interaction was primarily face-to-face and email was the advancement in communication. Most importantly, the newspaper was read with dedication reserved for religious texts. Whether it was at the kitchen table, on the subway or in the restroom, the paper was the be all and end all of morning news consumption.
Times have definitely changed.
Today’s morning routine consists of major one-on-one time with a Smartphone, a practice that continues throughout the day. The constant alerts and breaking news notifications that pervade mobile/electronic devices stem from the culture of instant gratification and round the clock news availability. In the rare instance that a disconnect occurs, the spoiled masses grow weary with antiquated (i.e. not technology based) forms of news; patience and print wear thin. In fact, studies show that most people get the bulk of their news from the social media sites Facebook and Twitter. The morning paper and evening news are virtually obsolete—simply reduced to regurgitated facts and bland confirmations.
Despite a reassuring surge in circulation in August 2014, print journalism and newspapers are not making a comeback. They are simply too laid back for the constant rush that is modern life and news. Their transition into a thing of the past will not diminish their proven ability to convey the power of the written word. After all, it doesn’t get more legitimate or authoritative than black and white.
Photo courtesy of Bloomberg News.
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