On March 6th 2016, Former First Lady Nancy Reagan passed away. Here is what was on the cover major newspapers the next day. Monday March 7th, 2016 Looking at top of each front page, called “above the fold” we can see the majority have a picture and a story about the passing of the first […]
Posts tagged with Internet
Once upon a time if you wanted to watch a movie you went to your corner cinema. If you wanted to watch TV, you’d sit in front of a big box and watch what was playing. If you wanted to hear the newest music you would wait and listen for it on the radio. […]
Every day there are hundreds, even thousands of stories published on the Internet. Who decides what to write or post? Is there a rhyme or reason to the types of articles written daily? Perhaps, in my opinion, there is a reason as to why certain topics become the top stories on the left side of the Google News page. […]
Just about 15 years into the ‘online era,’ newspapers are suffering — but not as bad as was once thought. Besides the fact that daily newspaper circulation has been dropping every year for the past two decades, newspaper companies still experience decent business for a world overwhelmed by the Internet and electronic news. The case […]
News is ubiquitous. But does that mean that people are actually absorbing it? Television has given people the ability to see what’s going on in the world at anytime. Internet is another medium that informs people about the local and worldly happenings. But what are you taking away from it? I get it, your busy. […]
Propoganda is generally thought of as the comic-like posters on city walls or public service announcements that have been left behind in mid-20th century antiquity. However, all one must do to realize that propaganda is alive and well is turn on their television, especially during election season. It’s presence is ubiquitous: before practically every Youtube […]